Page 316 - 호흡 치유에 관한 TED 스크립트
P. 316
So, I want to tell you a quick story about why this is so in-
dicate [dédikèit] 바치 credibly important to me, why I’ve actually dedicated my life
to learning about the breath, to studying about the breath, and
teaching about the power of the breath. And for me, it began
the moment I was born.
호흡이 저에게 왜 그렇게 중요한지, 왜 제가 평생을 호흡에 대
해 배우고, 호흡에 대해 연구하고, 호흡의 힘에 대해 가르치는 데
헌신했는지에 대해 간단히 이야기하고 싶어요. 그리고 제게는 제
가 태어난 순간부터 시작되었습니다.
You see, I was actually born over one month late, and my
c-section 제왕절개 mom did not have a c-section. Ladies, you know what that
(Caesarean section)
means, right? Big boy, uh-huh. So obviously, it was a compli-
epidural [epǝdjúərǝl]
경막외(硬膜外) 마취 cated birth. I was over. I was nearly 11 pounds at delivery. And
so, they gave my mom one epidural to help with the birthing
process, but it didn’t work.
저는 사실 한 달 이상 늦게 태어났고 어머니는 제왕절개를 하지
않으셨어요. 여러분, 그게 무슨 뜻인지 아시죠? 덩치가 크다는 거
죠. 그래서 당연히 복잡한 출산이었죠. 전 끝났어요 출산할 때 전
거의 11파운드였어요 그래서 출산 과정을 돕기 위해 엄마에게 경
막외 마취를 한 번 했는데 효과가 없었어요.
And so, they actually gave her a second epidural, but that
one didn’t work. So, they gave her a third and a fourth and a
fifth and a sixth and a seventh and an eighth, and a total of
nine epidurals. My mom said that after they gave her that
ninth one, just the tips of her toes were numb. So, she believes
that they didn’t work on her because they were going right in-
to me.
그래서 두 번째 경막외 마취를 했지만 그것도 효과가 없었어요.
그래서 세 번째, 네 번째, 다섯 번째, 여섯 번째, 일곱 번째, 여덟 번
314 25. The simple power of one breath