Page 17 - 호흡 치유에 관한 TED 스크립트
P. 17

There have been some studies done recently on breathing.     facilitator
                                                                               [fǝsílǝtèitǝr] (그룹 따위
               Stanford Research Institute had a great one about two years
                                                                               의) 관리자
               ago where they took people with post-traumatic stress syn-
               drome, combat veterans, who’d been to Afghanistan and Iraq,
               and taught them yoga and breathing. The facilitator, Emma
               Seppälä, who’s a Stanford scholar, said it was mostly the
               breathing that affected them. We had them do this program
               for three months, and their symptoms, post-traumatic stress
               syndrome symptoms were gone, and they didn’t return, even

               a year later.
                 최근 호흡에 관한 연구가 몇 가지 있었습니다. 2년 전 스탠퍼드

               연구소에서 외상 후 스트레스 증후군 환자, 아프가니스탄과 이라크에
               참전했던 퇴역 군인들을 대상으로 요가와 호흡법을 가르친 훌륭한 연
               구가 있었습니다. 스탠포드 학자인 진행자 엠마 세팔라는 이들에게

               가장 큰 영향을 미친 것은 호흡이라고 말했습니다. 3개월 동안 이 프
               로그램을 진행했더니 외상 후 스트레스 증후군 증상이 사라졌고, 1년

               이 지난 후에도 증상이 재발하지 않았습니다.

                 This was groundbreaking because as you know, the sad fact    groundbreaking
               in the United States is we lose 20 veterans a day to suicide. So   [graundbréikiŋ] 획기
               the way we have been treating them through mainly medi-
                                                                              advocate [ǽdvǝkèit]
               cation and therapy hasn’t really been working. This is a big    옹호하다
               step. The Defense Department is now advocating breath and      cuddly [kʌdli] 꼭 껴안고

               yoga for veterans. The Defense Department - just take that in   싶은
               for a second - is advocating breathing and yoga for veterans;
                                                                               [inténʃǝnəl] 일부러의
               the Defense Department. Navy SEALS use breath-work to
               help them focus and calm before they go into battle. Navy
               SEALS are not New Age cuddly people. Navy SEALS only use
               technologies that work, they will not use anything else. So,
               benefits of breathing as you may have heard - and when I say

               breathing, I don’t mean what we’re doing now, I mean inten-
               tional breath-work - are focus, calm, non-reactiveness, which

                                                                               1. 치유를 위한 호흡  15
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