Page 350 - 호흡 치유에 관한 TED 스크립트
P. 350
practicing this technique with my students for years. I’m a
public high school science teacher, and I’ve been teaching sci-
ence and wellness education in a public school for more than
16 years.
저는 4-1-6 호흡법이라는 애칭을 붙인 이 기법을 수년 동안 학생
들에게 가르치고 연습해 왔습니다. 저는 공립 고등학교 과학 교사로
16년 이상 공립학교에서 과학 및 웰빙 교육을 가르치고 있습니다.
implement By implementing and incorporating mindful breathing
[ímplǝmènt] 실행하다
techniques and activities in the classroom setting, I’ve seen
incorporate [inkɔː ́
rpǝrèit] 통합하다 dramatic improvements in everything from student perform-
ance and attendance to actual student health, both physical
and mental. I even teach these techniques to local businesses,
politicians, industry professionals, and doctors.
교실 환경에서 마음챙김 호흡법과 활동을 구현하고 통합함으로써
학생들의 성적과 출석률부터 실제 학생들의 신체적, 정신적 건강에
이르기까지 모든 면에서 극적인 개선을 보았습니다. 저는 지역 기업
체, 정치인, 업계 전문가, 의사들에게도 이러한 기법을 가르치고
By using the 4-1-6 breathing technique, students can im-
prove their test scores, academic achievement, and boost their
ability to study and retain information. Think back to the last
time you sat down to take a test that you’ve studied and pre-
pared for, only to find yourself drawing a blank, struggling
with the questions that you were sure you knew the answer to.
And of course, after you turn in your test, once your body has
relaxed and the fire of stress and anxiety within has calmed
down, it’s as if the mind wakes up suddenly; you remember
the answers to the questions that you were struggling with.
4-1-6 호흡법을 사용하면 학생들은 시험 점수와 학업 성취도
348 28. How Your Breath Can Change Your World